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Day 20 - On Courage

I just met a young man named, Mathias. He is 18 years old, and will be 19 in January. He loves music, and he spends most of his day listening to it. He likes football - and sports in general - but feels he lacks an in-depth knowledge of the technalities of most sports, which prevents him from effectively writing about them. His description of football made me laugh. He likes philosophy and is currently reading The Ambiguity of Ethics by Simone de Beauvoir. He just moved to Colorado Springs from Grand Junction, and he doesn't really know anyone in town. He doesn't eat much. Maybe one meal a day, which he realizes is unhealthy, and he thinks he should probably eat more. And he's spent a lot of time being angry and hating people over the last few years, but he's learned that that's no way to live. He hopes that if he becomes bitter one day, he's at least bitter in a humorous way.

I just met this young man. He came up to me in the coffee shop and asked to sit with me. And he nervously began rattling off anything and everything that came into his head. What a beautiful human. What a raw, uninhibited, startling genuine, self-aware individual. I love it when people take chances. I love it when people talk to strangers. I love it when I'm the stranger. I love it when people feel compelled to do or say something and follow through on their impulse. Unfortunately, he came at an inopportune time, as I have work to do, but first I myself felt the need to record this experience.

I felt the need to let someone, anyone, know that I had this experience today, and it was beautiful. Let us all learn from Mathias. Let us follow his example. Let's throw caution to the wind, say TO HELL WITH IT, and try something that terrifies us. Even if it's as simple and seemingly insignificant as talking to a stranger in a coffee shop. I asked Mathias why he came over to talk to me, and he said he didn't know. I have a feeling there was a reason. Mathias, I hope you've kept the paper I gave you with my name and this website on it. I hope you're reading this right now, and I hope you know that I really enjoyed our brief exchange today.

And the next time I feel nervous - the next time I hesitate before doing something I feel compelled to do - I will think of you, and you will give me courage. Thank you for being you.

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